What makes Porto different?
It is the city that gave Portugal its name - from very early on (c. 200 BC), when it was called Portus Cale, later becoming the capital of the Condado Portucalense, from which Portugal was formed. It is still a city known worldwide for its wine, its bridges, and contemporary and ancient architecture that together with a historic center absolutely justify its classification as a UNESCO World Heritage Site lastly let's not forget the quality of its restaurants and its gastronomy with many iconic Portuguese dishes originating here.

Curious facts about Porto!
Porto is a city full of history and mystery, even some of the locals don't know these facts, do you?
World Heritage Site
The historical center of Porto has been a Unesco World Heritage Site since 1996. It is described as a "place of great aesthetic value" and being an active part of the city, it has become "an exceptional universal value", which is why it deserved the distinction.
Noble Heart
King D. Pedro IV donated his heart to the city of Porto.
King D. Pedro IV, to show appreciation and gratitude to the city, for the sacrifices of the population at the time of the Siege of Porto, left in his will to donate his heart to the city of Porto. It is currently preserved in the Lapa Church.
The 1st attempt to implement the republic was in Porto.
And that is why we have the famous street of January 31. It was on this day, in the year 1891, that the attempt was made to implement the republic in Portugal.
World of "azulejos"
Throughout the streets of Porto you can appreciate Portuguese tiles, but there is one place in particular that is a real showcase.
The Church of Santo Ildefonso has some 11,000 azulejos on the front and bell towers.
The people from Porto are known as "tripeiros" (tripper).
According to legend, Prince Henry the Navigator (born in Porto) prepared a fleet in the Douro River to set sail for the conquest of Ceuta.
During this period, the people of Porto, tireless and helpful, donated food to the ships, being left with only "the leftovers", known as "tripas", or tripes. Thus becoming "tripeiros".
A Walk in the Park?
The City Park of Porto - which is over 80 hectares in size - is the largest urban park in the country and the only one in Europe with a waterfront.